Keep Britain Tidy
I truly adore reading leftover material, and my latest experience was even more pleasurable for being about green issues. Taking a look at an abandoned April 12th issue of The Times, I learned about Bill Bryson’s launch of a three year campaign against street littering. Take a look at this article to see how serious his commitment to “Keep Britain Tidy” is.
“London is now the dirtiest city in Europe as well as the costliest.” Now, that is some paradox.

Turning over the pages, I noticed that at least three of them were dedicated to green issues. One was about the paper giving away free Vivienne Westwood green bags, but the coupon was already torn, and I realized that I had missed out. After all, this is exactly what I love about reading leftovers, seeing how other people have interacted with such material gives you a peak through this little window into their lives.
This issue also had some impressive pictures from around the UK, showing chunks of litter left outdoors, and these were enough to make the point. I could not go without publishing a photo of my neighbour’s front yard here along with this post. So if you’re also concerned about this particular issue, join in on the squeal.
Labels: environmental, green, litter, responsible
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